“The retreat for me was transformative. I left the retreat with a new, powerful image of me.”
- Vyvian Gorbea
Body-Peace & Aging
with Nina Manolson, M.A. Body-Peace Coach
April 23-29, 2023
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Do you feel…1) Like aging is an opening to so much wisdom…but it’s also kicking your ass a bit?! 2) Hungry for more ease, connection and a deep feeling of expansion into who you are right now? 3) Like you deserve and need a break so that you can reconnect to YOU & fill your own cup? Come Experience…1) The joy and relief of deeply coming home to yourself, 2) The vibrancy of feeling nourished, 3) The total pleasure of Italian living on an agriculturally conscious vineyard in Tuscany!
We’ll be at Fattoria Del Colle. It’s the family estate of Donatella Cinelli Colombini, who is a celebrity in Tuscany and the award winning entrepreneur of the only all-female owned winery in Italy, where they produce the memorable Brunello wine.
The vibe is casual, cozy, and rustic but yet totally deluxe. After all, it is Tuscany. The rolling hills, the light, the ease. As you sit at the white linen lined tables and sip your organic local wine, you’ll indulge and appreciate the gorgeous regional, organic food from the in-house chef of an award winning restaurant. You’ll feel cherished by the warm hospitality of the wait staff as they serve exquisite, lavish, and healthful Italian meals for lunch and dinner.

Well, hello there... I'm Nina.
We may or may not have met, but I think we might know why you’re here. You’re one of those remarkable women who has walked on this planet for over 40, 50, 60 or 70 years of life. You’re smart. You’re capable. You’ve been SO there for others in your life, you know the go-go-go mode of living. You love your family, your friends. You have a nice life. But now you’re noticing things are changing…Perhaps it’s your body, your appearance, your needs, your desires and even your tolerance for other people’s drama or BS!
And there’s a hunger, a craving inside of you…maybe it’s for a feeling of ease or vitality or deep rest in your body and your mind, freedom from your stress, a sense of nourishment, physically and mentally…a sense of peace! Maybe it’s something you can name…like a deeper sense of purpose or confidence or more authenticity in your relationships…or maybe it’s something a little more vague…a sense of wanting to come “home” to yourself, to your life, to listen to the whispers of your heart and soul…Whatever it is you’re craving, you have a sneaking suspicion that there’s something you need at a core level, something you deeply need and desire.
To everyone else, you look like you’ve got it all figured out. But in your heart, in your soul, in your quiet moments, when you’re not in your “on-mode,” when you’re not avoiding your own deep needs, you feel the longing, you feel the exhaustion, you feel the inner-critic getting loud, you feel the ache. I totally get it. (Oh, boy, do I get it) And I’ve GOT you.
Every day will include a workshop session so that we can deepen our exploration of what it means to be aging and how to claim the power and juiciness of this stage of life in the body we currently have! These will be led by Nina.
Chill-out + Relax = Chillax! We all need time to just BE. We’ll make sure that there’s space to have mellow supportive connection or alone time – whatever feels best.
This is a time to let go of the “roles” you play in your life and step into the depths of who you are, what is present and meaningful for you, so you can emerge feeling more like yourself than ever before. Your feeling of freedom, of purpose, and of self-connection comes from being fully and wholly YOU, and we are here to support that.
I have the great fortune of attracting women who prioritize authenticity, depth and inner joy, so we can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be surrounded by other women who are ready to be real as well!
Every day you’ll have the opportunity to release and restore your body in a gentle yoga class with Jane Reeves – master Yoga teacher for over 30 years.

Here’s what a day on retreat may look like…
7:30 – 9:30 am Buffet style breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 am Movement in the studio with Jane
10:30 am – 12:30 pm Workshop sessions with Nina
12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch
2 – 6 pm personal time/free time/special activities
6:30 – 7:30 pm Dinner
7:30 – 8:30 pm Integration Circle