Pema Chödrön’s book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, was first published in 1996. I devoured it in one day. A friend of mine gave it to me right when it came out and I was in yoga teacher training. It struck a deep chord with me and became the mantra for a life changing shift in how I approached strong emotions and difficult aspects of my life. I grew up in a deeply fractured family and the lessons in this book helped me to see a path toward healing and expansion.
The book is a guide for navigating the inevitable challenges and hardships of life. Rooted in Buddhist philosophy, it provides practical and spiritual advice for transforming pain and adversity into opportunities for growth, compassion, and deeper understanding. Even all of these years later I use this book as a guide and foundation for my spiritual life.
For me the idea of self-compassion which is emphasized throughout the book became central to my own self-compassion and healing. To develop a friendly loving relationship with myself, especially in times of struggle lays the foundation for authentic compassion toward others.
Hosting retreats in Italy has always been a place where I'm able to really put into practice the ideas presented in Pemas book, particularly the teachings on compassion for self and others. Notice I say practice not perfection:)
When I first traveled to Italy in 1999 I fell in love with everything. It felt like coming home. I didn't mind the things that bother alot of travelers to Italy like late trains, language barrier, chaotic driving, crowds, cultural differences, and unpredictable schedules. In fact I rather loved the chaos. And so began the dream of Radiant Jane Retreats. I went back numerous times before Radiant Jane Retreats was born in 2014. I kicked off by leading a yoga retreat for 15 people at an ancient castle in Tuscany near beautiful Sarteano, Italy.
My intention was to create a space where people could come together, slow down, reconnect, remember their dreams and experience the beauty of life through the eyes of Italy. I’ve seen how the Italian countryside, with its rolling hills and timeless charm, can work magic on the spirit. And of course the food! The endless gorgeous food.
There are multitudes of details that go into one single international retreat. My background in business, marketing, managing groups, coaching, owning a yoga studio, teaching yoga, international travel and leading dozens of US retreats helped to prepare me for the road ahead.
What's exciting to me is envisioning, planning and imagining it all coming together. It's the dream of my heart really. I've been fortunate to work with experts in their fields to help me bring the dream to fruition. Each retreat involves a team of people all working toward a common goal. I adore collaborating and it's taught me more than anything else I've ever done in life.
Hosting retreats over a long period has taught me more than I ever wanted to know about humility, patience, and adaptability. It’s also deepened my understanding of connection—how fragile, yet essential it is. I’m learning to let go of perfection and embrace the ups and downs, the element of both surprise and magic, potential messy, unpredictable beauty of what happens when people gather. This will be a lifelong practice.
Each experience shapes how I move forward, and my resolve to continue offering these life changing moments for our guests.